WLA 2010 Graduating Junior Draft

The WLA 2010 graduating Junior draft, took place February 3 at the Burnaby Firefighters Hall. Here are the results:

1- BBY- Kevin Crowley
2- LNG- Brett Mysdke
3- MPR- Curtis Dickson
4- BBY- Dane Stevens
5- VIC- Kory Kowalyk
6- NW- Corbyn Tao
7- BBY- Shaun Dhaliwal

8- BBY- Trevor Moore
9- NAN- Joel Henry
10- MPR- Ben Davies
11- COQ- Jason Jones
12- LNG- Matt Yager
13- VIC- Michael Pires
14- VIC- Rhys Jones

15- BBY- Eric Sage
16- VIC- Jordan Weir
17- NW- Peyton Sanders
18- COQ- Jon Diplock
19- LNG- Mitch Dibble
20- NAN- Ray Hodgkinson
21- VIC- Neil Tyacke

22- COQ- Matt Myashita
23- NAN- Scott Stone
24- MPR- Jim Clifford
25- COQ- Trevor Gains
26- LNG- Cam Appels
27- BBY- Brandon Turner
28- VIC- Reed McPhail

29- BBY- Scott Davidson
30- NAN- Todd Whitaker
31- MPR- Greg Kristic
32- COQ- Ryan Harwig
33- LNG- Craig Smith
34- BBY- Matt Weibe
35- VIC- Tom FaulknerĀ 

36- BBY- Jordan Howes
37- NAN- Damon Jones
38- MPR- Brennan Galbraith
39- COQ- Luke Domijon
40- LNG- Curtis Callard
41- NW- Mika Gavorchin
42- VIC- Brendan Gibson

43- BBY- Ryan Kwasnicka
44- NAN- Cory Therof
45- MPR- Drew Duncan
46- COQ- Jordan Flaman
47- LNG-Sean Messenger
48- NW- Alex Tura
49- VIC- Dylan Bernard

50- BBY- Chris Macey
51- NAN- Steven Clark
52- MPR- Pass
53- COQ- Brian Jetty
54- LNG- Lindsay Flynn
55- NW- Joel Tickner
56- VIC- Ben Towner

57- BBY- Aaron Brascia
58- NAN- Sean White
59- COQ- Tony Kapan
60- LNG- Cameron Clark
61- NW- Pass
62- VIC- Trent Tebour

63- BBY- Tyson Cornfield
64- NAN- James Lawson
65- COQ- Jordan Lipchuk
66- LNG- Pass
67- VIC- Pass

68- BBY- Richard Willmot
69- NAN- Sam Kobe
70- COQ- Jarret Zavitz
71- BBY- Mike King
72- NAN- Pass
73- COQ- Calvin Fuller

74- BBY- Robert Kraakman

75- BBY- Toby Patton

76- BBY- Aaron Fill

77- BBY- Pass