Victoria Shamrocks Elect New Executive
The Victoria Jr. ‘A’ Shamrocks Lacrosse Organization held its Annual General Meeting Thursday, October 12 at the Pro Patria Legion on Gorge Road. Among other items on the agenda was the election of the executive board.
The Shamrock Executive for the upcoming 2006/07 is as follows:
Past President and Governor - Dan Devlin
President - Janice Huckin
Vice-President - Gail Loucks
Treasurer - Debra Anderson
Secretary - Margo Malcolm
Directors (alphabetically) Bob Burkholder, Karen Duch, Sherry Huckin, Grant Morwick & Alf Orton
Thank you to those other members who allowed their names to stand and to last year’s executive members who are not serving on this year’s executive. Thanks also to all those members who came out and cast a ballot.
The day after the AGM, General Manager, Rick Sanderson tendered his resignation. Rick served a one year term and has indicated he is not interested in continuing in that capacity. Thanks to Rick for his commitment and contribution to the team in 2005/06.
The new executive will hold its first meeting next week and the first item of business will be the status of the General Manager and Coaching positions. Janice Huckin phone: (250)384-1742 email: