Concussion Protocol for 2013
BC Jr A Announces Concussion Protocol for 2013 The BCJLL Governors at its Jan 27, 2013 Board meeting passed a Concussion Protocol for the coming 2013 season. The Protocol includes the use of the Sports Concussion Assessment Tool (SCAT Test) and specific guidelines for team trainers and personnel to follow when players suffer a blow to the head.
The league decided that the over whelming information that is coming out in regards to contact sports specifically and the dangers of concussions to player health and safety primarily the BC Jr A league was compelled to introduce the league wide Concussion Protocol.
Some of the specifics of the Protocol are:
- Players suspected of having a concussion will be removed from the game/practice for 30 minutes.
- Player to be sent to a quiet place free from distraction so they can be examined by the training staff.
- Training staff will use the Sports Concussion Assessment Tool test (SCAT) to evaluate the player.
- Any signs identified by the SCAT test, the player must attend to a hospital.
- Players may return to the game/practice they left after 30 minutes of quiet time and passing the SCAT test.
- If a player attended a hospital from the game/practice or any time after the game/practice only upon a physician’s written notice providing permission to resume play.
Player safety is paramount and with greater information coming out in regards to head trauma effects it was felt that the League Concussion Protocol, in place starting with training camp in 2013, possible concussions will be detected earlier and handled by teams and trainers in a responsive manner and one that will protect all of our players.